Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tracy Ullman

Laugh Dance

Tracy Ullman is a musical comic genius, and she's also a great dancer! Here are some musical comedy clips that feature Tracy's comic dancing. There are also some pretty good moves by Steve Martin, Billy Preston, and Carol King as well.

Tracey Ullman Show-"Skin the Duck" with Steve Martin
Thanks stevenvz

Tracey Ullman - State of the Union, Indian Viagra
Thanks ahsanshami

Tracey Ullman Show - Carole King, Billy Preston, C. Clemons
"...Jam session at the end of an episode of The Tracey Ullman Show in 1989. Carole King, Billy Preston, Clarence Clemons, et.al. play "I Feel the Earth Move" and "Will it Go 'Round in Circles"..."
Thanks JohnPaul2006

Bi-Padma Disorder
Thanks fflybz

Tracy Ullman - Breakaway
Thanks Mcr0gw

Tracy Ullman - They Don't Know (Music Video)
Thanks rons80s

Tracey Ullman, MiniPops parody A Kick Up The 80s
Thanks Crease2000