This is a really sweet video produced by Solarnet , an international non-profit group dedicated to global learning, media literacy, and environmental sustainability. From the website: "Solar Net provides an international network of young people working together on the issues of cultural exchange, environmental protection and media education. "
This video features a group of about a dozen young women dancing together in very colorful costumes. The video and sound quality is excellent and the camera angles and editing appear to be very professionally done, even though it was evidently a somewhat spontaneous production. Solarnet has produced many great, educational videos that are also available on Youtube. They offer language how-to's and much more. All their videos are very well produced, informative, and purposeful. If you are looking for some hope and inspiration, you won't be disappointed. (Link to the videos on Youtube)
Here's a bit more detail about the presentation:
In July 2006 we hold the first german-polish youth-media seminar, organized in cooperation of Solar Net International and Palace of Youth in Katowice. Our group was part of the 7th International Meeting of Youth "Europe of Peace".
We met there a group of girls from Slovakia who participated in the event. They organized a slovakian-polish Dance Workshop. The girls are students of Renata Madaraszova school of arts from Senec near Bratislava.
We have spontaneously decided to make a videoclip of the dancing girls. They do a gypsy dance. We did it with one cheap photo camera and edited it very quickly by synchronizing 4 or 5 tracks and then just choosing sequences we wanted to keep.
Next year they want to establish kind of applied internet media subject in their school so I hope we are going to see and hear more from them
Thanks magauchsein!