Crazy For Contra
On the first Friday of every month, The Belfast Flying Shoes draws a contra crazy crowd to beat the boards at the American Legion Hall in Belfast, Maine. House caller Chrissy Fowler, along with her contra cohorts, Annadeene Konesni, Tom Fowler, and Phyllis Buchanan keep things under control despite the fact that the place is always packed and the dancing can get pretty boisterous. Live contra music is provided every month by the "All Comers Band", and special guest artists from around New England. Special guest callers are also drawn to Belfast, Maine for the monthly festivities.
Full disclosure: I'm also the webmaster for the Belfast Flying Shoes, and yes, we are sharing the same disco ball on our websites. Well hey, if you wanna have a dance, you gotta have a disco ball!(LINK)
Belfast Contra Dance
Thanks contracrazy
Flying Shoes Contra Dance, Belfast Maine
Thanks rpeek
Flying Shoes Contra Dance, Belfast Maine
Thanks rpeek
Dark Synth
6 years ago